Sn1per Integrations

Aggregate data from the leading security tools, API's and 3rd party services into our centralized reporting interface.

Scan for the latest vulnerabilities using Nessus and import detailed vulnerability data and reports into Sn1per Professional.

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Scan for the latest vulnerabilities using OpenVAS/GVM 21.x and import detailed vulnerability reports and data into Sn1per Professional.

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Automate web application vulnerability scans with Burpsuite Professional and import detailed vulnerability data and reports into Sn1per Professional.

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Automate web application vulnerability scans with OWASP Zap and import detailed vulnerability data and reports into Sn1per Professional.

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Aggregate data from Github on any target such as sub-domains, URL’s and sensitive data and import all data into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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Aggregate sub-domains for any target using Shodan and import all data into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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Aggregate sub-domains for any target using Censys and import all data into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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Gather ASN’s, domains, IP’s and URL’s using and import all data into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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Import host and attack surface data from Metasploit into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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Setup Slack notifications for common configuration changes detected by Sn1per Professional such as new sub-domains, port changes, scan status changes, URL changes and more.

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Run detailed vulnerability scans against WordPress websites using WPScan and import detailed vulnerability data into Sn1per Professional automatically.

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