The Workspace Report provides high level stats on each workspace and allows easy sorting, filtering and viewing of all assets within a workspace. To view the Workspace Report for a specific workspace, click on the workspace name that you would like to view from the Workspace Navigator.
Top Menu Bar
The top menu bar contains a “Quick Links” menu which has helpful links to various Sn1per resources.
The “Files” menu contains links to helpful Sn1per host lists and files (ie. domains-all-sorted.txt, webhosts-all-sorted.txt).
The “Config” menu contains links to view and edit all Sn1per configuration templates from the web UI.
The “Loot” menu contains links to the workspace’s loot folders and raw text files (ie. domains, ips, nmap, screenshots, etc.).
The icons across the top from left to right contain links to the OSINT, Notepad, Task Viewer, Notifications, Scheduled Scans, Takeovers, Credentials and Vulnerability panels.
The dashboard displays high level stats for the workspace such as total hosts, scanned hosts, unscanned hosts and includes an overall scan progress bar.
It also includes high level vulnerability stats including the workspace risk score and vulnerability severity totals for Critical, High, Medium, Low and Informational findings.
There are 4 main filters or views which can be accessed from the Sn1per Professional:
- “Show All” – displays all hosts within the workspace
- “Open Ports” – displays only hosts with open ports within the workspace
- “Web Hosts” – displays only web based hosts within the workspace
- “CSV” – displays the CSV host inventory report for the workspace
The screenshot below shows an example CSV host inventory report generated by Sn1per Professional.
Search Filter & Go Input Fields
Using the “Go” input field at the top of the host inventory list, you can enter any target name and click the “Go” button to jump directly to the detailed Host Report for the target entered.
The “Search” input can be used to filter the host inventory list using any text based terms (ie. domain name, IP address, port number, HTTP status code, etc.