External Attack Surface Management with Sn1per
In the world of cybersecurity, it’s important to constantly be on the lookout for new threats. One way to do this is by keeping an eye on your organization’s external attack surface. Your external attack surface is the sum total of all the ways a hacker could potentially gain access to your systems—and it’s always changing. That’s why external attack surface management is so important. By monitoring your external attack surface and making sure it’s as secure as possible, you can help protect your organization from a wide range of cyber threats.
What is External Attack Surface Management?
External attack surface management (EASM) is the process of identifying, monitoring, and securing all the ways hackers could potentially gain access to an organization’s systems. This includes everything from exposed servers and open ports to unpatched software vulnerabilities. EASM is a critical part of any organization’s cybersecurity program, as it helps security teams identify and mitigate risks before they can be exploited by attackers.
EASM vs. Internal Attack Surface Management
It’s important to note that EASM is different from internal attack surface management (IASM). IASM focuses on securing an organization’s internal network, while EASM focuses on securing its external network—that is, everything that’s accessible from the internet. Because IASM and EASM both play vital roles in an organization’s overall security posture, many security teams choose to implement both programs simultaneously.
Why is External Attack Surface Management Important?
There are several reasons why EASM is so important for organizations:
-EASM helps security teams identify potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers. By constantly monitoring your organization’s external attack surface, you can stay one step ahead of the latest cyber threats.
-EASM helps organizations adhere to compliance requirements. Many compliance standards, such as PCI DSS and HIPAA, require companies to assess and address their exposure to cyber threats on a regular basis. EASM can help organizations meet these requirements and avoid hefty fines for non-compliance.
-EASM helps organizations improve their overall security posture. By making sure your organization’s external attack surface is as secure as possible, you can help reduce the risk of a successful cyberattack—and the potential damage that comes with it.
External Attack Surface Management with Sn1per
External attack surface management is a critical part of any organization’s cybersecurity program. By monitoring your organization’s external attack surface and making sure it’s as secure as possible, you can help protect your data from a wide range of cyber threats. To learn more about how Sn1per can benefit your organization, check out our video below on Attack Surface Management with Sn1per Enterprise or head over to our shop to find the right solution for you. If our professional and enterprise products are out of budget, head over to our Github page to try our Community Edition.