Sn1per Professional MassPwn Add-on

Sn1per Professional MassPwn Add-on Released!

Leverage the full power of Metasploit with the new “MassPwn Add-on” for Sn1per Professional v9.0. Easily customize each Metasploit scan to meet your needs! Automatically update your Sn1per Professional host data and get notifications when a remote host has been compromised or a vulnerability has been discovered. Getting the most out of Metasploit has never been easier!


  • Control and launch Metasploit scans directly from the Sn1per Professional web UI
  • Import all vulnerability scan data into Sn1per Professional automatically
  • Launch single or multiple Metasploit modules and exploits in-line
  • Launch auxiliary scans and exploits against single or multiple pre-defined target lists
  • Automate exploitation of vulnerable services
  • Reporting of all console output via the Command Execution Add-on


MassPwn Add-on


Buy now!

As always, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions!

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